Individual, Couples/Polycules & Family Therapy

After the COVID-19 pandemic started, it became clear that people needed trauma-informed mental health support that went beyond the typical office visit. Express Yourself Therapy understands that cutting travel time, reducing exposure to illness or extreme weather events, and accepting technology as a helpful tool are just a few ways to mediate risk and increase accessibility. We have HEPA filters in every office, our HVAC system has been upgraded, and filters are changed monthly. As some of us are people with Long COVID, we request that clients switch to Telehealth if they are, or someone they live with is, feeling sick, and we do the same if we feel the slightest bit ill. If you have had an exposure, you must be asymptomatic and test negative for COVID the day of your appointment. It is important for us to decrease exposure to vulnerable populations. Some of our therapists feel comfortable conducting sessions without masks if no one is feeling ill, but we always defer to our client's preference when their need for precaution supersedes our own. Some therapists will be masked during in-person sessions or only conduct therapy virtually. We recognize that everyone has differing needs around safety, accessibility, and risk. Please reach out with any additional questions, and let us know if you are seeking a therapist with specific COVID practices.